I'm back in Hong Kong and it feels a bit surreal. I woke up the morning after we landed unsure of where I was for a moment because I've been constantly on the move for all of September.
I went back to California for the first two weeks for my cousin's wedding in Long Beach and I have to say, it was so much fun being able to be part of such a personal event; it's something I feel like I constantly miss out on since living abroad. Also, I have to mention that it's an unbelievable record of visiting California for the 4th time in 12 months! Is this a good time to use #blessed?
Also, it had nothing to do my own upcoming wedding, which meant that it was totally not stressful for me (hopefully I helped make it less stressful for my cousin). It was way more fun figuring out someone else's stationary, font-style, flowers and logistics for some reason. ::shrug::
My mom and sister being silly with the photo booth props. |
Lobster at the wedding, nom nom!
I would mention that the heat was ridonkulous. Seriously, Global Warming is happening! I didn't even want to lay out by the beach or any of that nonsense until late in the afternoon; felt like I was just frying myself up otherwise.
Behind Kristy's new place in Newport Beach.
After the wedding, I managed to do some shoe hunting for my own wedding (hello, Nordies), feast on Korean BBQ along with my favorite Vietnamese spots, Happy Hour with Peggy and Reggi (where is my photo from that anyways...), try Nitrogen-made ice cream, go bar-hopping in Newport, try my first barre classes, see my parents, and pick up all my shopping packages (thanks fam!).
Kristy, Melissa and Bobby
A lot of people mention that I get to vacation and travel a lot, and in a way I suppose I do, but most of the time I'm using it to visit back home! Do you not realize (of course, I didn't at the time), that California can also be called a 24/7 vacation? It's a pretty amazing place if you ignore how horrible traffic and parking is in LA. It also has one of the highest concentrations of attractive people in one place. Seriously, I miss the view and I miss you fkrs, please come and visit me.
In my stream-of-thought: it was awesome and I'm so glad I was able to extend my trip to two weeks. I'll write about our wedding and Bali trip in another post but in the meantime, I leave you with a picture of Huntington Beach:
Watching surfers in Huntinging Beach |
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