So Wednesday was our last day on the boat for filming. We only had two days left of filming and instead of finishing up the film, we're putting a hold on it until December because there is another movie starting filming Monday.

I thought that was funny with the girls tanning near the Hot Set. We're not supposed to touch the area of a Hot Set but they were done with it. Below is Ken giving direction for the next shot on the boat.

For those who wanted to see the catsuit, TA-DAAA!

I'm sorry, I'm a ham. But yes, me and the other girls had to wear this for hours at a time. It was definitely challenging but it made the shot look a lot better!
I thought our lunch that day was hilarious. Remember how I said they don't do vegetarian? Well they surprisingly attempted at having a vegetarian option that day.

Hahaha, it's just MORE green beans! LOL

Despite being focused on set today, we managed to have some fun. Jumping off the top of the boat was scary and exhilirating!

Of course, one of the risks of swimming in the water was jellyfish, remember? Poor Nelly, she got stung on the face and lips the day before while shooting a scene!

Here is my usual safety diver, Kakoi. They call him Cockroach as a nickname, lol. The crew guys are always joking around and seem to always have a good time. I wish I could speak Cebuano!

The best part of the whole day is the sunset. The sunsets here are incredibly gorgeous. The night before, there was a full moon and it looked so surreal to have the moon out, huge and reflective in the water on one side and then this beautifully colorful sunset on the other.

Here are the guys getting all the equipment off the boat. It's a long process!

And so ends my experience with Deep Gold...which is still on Hold, lol.
When are you going to be a certified diver? I'm totally jealous that you get your license before me.